Communication. Respect. Integrity. Excellence. They sound pretty good, right? Well, those are the Core Values of Enron, a company that was found to be filled with deceit, lies, and secrets.
We have all seen the values or mission of some very bland/average company touting “Worlds Greatest; Best Quality; We care about our team, vendors, stakeholders, etc.” When we go to interact with them, we don’t actually ‘feel’ it. They say it, but are not living it. They seem to be little more than words on a plaque instead of being alive within the organization.
When someone says something but then doesn’t follow through, it’s worse than if they had never said anything at all. Sharing our Core Values is a risky adventure. Once we state it — we must live it.
Our values were not made by opinion, consensus, or feel-good vibes. They are foundational truths that I have seen play out again and again and are the CORE of the company we are. These values are what clients can expect from us and they differentiate us from other businesses who do similar work. Our Core Values allow us a different way to run our business — what I believe is the best way to run the business.
One way to see these Core Values come out in our organization is to ask ourselves if we willing to live the value even if it cost us something? We have to act in line with our Values even when it’s not convenient — when it cost us our time, money, or resources to uphold. It has to cost us something. There needs to be some sort of suffering for living the value to really take hold. Because if we are not willing to suffer for it, can it really be core to who we are?
See in these examples how it ‘cost’ the team members something, to live the value serving the client, and the business.
STRONG AND STEADY. This week we got a new HVAC system in the office. When they removed the old system, there was some moldy drywall behind it. Ben, our Shop Leader, stopped what he was working on so he could fix it before the new unit was installed. Ben gave up his other work to focus on a new priority. He fixed a problem and kept a good attitude. That’s Strong and Steady.
THOUGHTFUL COMMUNICATION. Jake, one of our Project Managers, and I went to a design meeting this week for a new restaurant. Instead of making it a to-do for the next day — Jake got right to it and sent it over. Jake put in extra time to do the work immediately. Clients (and all of us) appreciate things done promptly. That’s Thoughtful Communication.
MORE THAN ONE. On a walk at a current project this week, they wanted to add some more work to our weekend and need some other things done on weekends with short notice. Joel, John, and Roger, a few of our Craftsmen, all said “Yes” to the request. That’s saying no to personal time on a weekend to serve the mission. That’s More Than One.
Thank you to the team members who live these values. Remember to compliment your other team members when you see it in action.
We find a FLOW in what we take on. We are known for our hard-work ethic; problem-solving skills, and positive attitude.
A sense of order is not just for good looks. We believe it supports the FLOW, drives creativity, and helps deliver the BEST WORK.
We set aside the pursuit of me, to first serve the mission and the team.
We grow by leaning just beyond our security and comfort. It is our duty to expand upon what we have been given.
We are intentional in how we speak and listen. We communicate what is kind, necessary, and true.