Improvise — No Shorts…
I was unpacking my bag, changing clothes to get a workout in. I’m always a bit anxious while changing to workout. My mind is already prepared to move fast, to do my warm-up run, yet I still need to change my clothes, but as a magician digs deep into his bag to uncover hidden items; I dug deep but had no more somethings. I needed a pair of shorts, but I was coming up short *(pun intended). No shorts, but I was ready to go.
Quickly my choices:
1. Workout in my underwear. I’m all in. But I’m at the gym, not my garage. 20-year-old Nick — Yes this would have been the go, not today. I’m old enough this wouldn’t be funny — just creepy……. Pass.
2. Drive to Target to buy a pair of shorts, drive back (at least 20 minutes)…….. No thanks.
3. Ask the gym for Lost and Found items (gross — maybe, quick and effective — Yes.)….. I’m in. I ask — nothing.
4. Skip a workout……Only in worse case scenarios, this is just a pair of shorts.
5. Grab my epoxy pants in the car. My epoxy pants are an extra pair of pants I keep in my car for impromptu epoxy installs, covered in epoxy splatter, they are pretty stiff, but I can sweat in them. This is my move.
I look a little goofy; squatting is awkward; at least four comments about my pants. I don’t care; I’m here to sweat, to wear myself out, and turn off my thinking mind. I get through my workout and done. That’s it — I made it work. I didn’t want to take more time; I had to let go of ‘perfect’ and just get it done.
Even when I pack my bag regularly, sometimes I forget. I make it work. I improvise. I’m driven to produce, not make an excuse for why it can’t or why it won’t.
Same is true in our business. Rarely will the stars align that everything goes perfectly. That’s the fun of leading here or anywhere. You plan well, you do your best to prepare; but when something happens you adjust, you find out what you do have and what you can do. We don’t get mad. We figure it out. That’s why people want to work with us — we solve problems, we offer solutions, we care about doing the best work. Let’s keep doing thatbusin