BE. Still.
When I have been around others doing ART, the common words I hear from the crowd are “I just don’t have the patience for that.”
Patience is grown from failure and practice. It is nurtured by sitting with our attempts, learning how to do it right. Patience is the path to all greatness and excellence. It’s choosing to be still when being still is what is called of you.
We all have an artist inside of us. We can make any of our work ART. But you must do the work. And if the work requires stillness — you must be still. If it requires fine detail, then you must be finely detailed.
It’s not about you and what you feel like doing. It’s about doing what’s called upon you at the time and what produces the best results for whatever work is in front of you.
This practice of stillness helps develop our minds. Find some still and be with the work.